
Re: (drbd) Re: Many thanks for help! One last question ;-)

To: Joseph Mack <mack.joseph@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: (drbd) Re: Many thanks for help! One last question ;-)
Cc: john.cronon@xxxxxxx, lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 23:02:18 -0500
On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 11:01:45AM -0400, Joseph Mack wrote:
> John Cronin wrote:
> > So, how stable is the current NFS on Linux? 
> not great.  I use the userland nfs (as against kernel). The rpc demons
> die occassionally and I run a cronjob every minute to restart missing
> ones.
>  Is there a particular
> > implementation that is stable (ie won't lose data) and has good
> > performance?
> performance is about 1/3 the speed of a local mounted IDE (see the
> performance page on the website).
> I've read that Linux nfs is never going to be fast as the layers of nfs
> code are mapped onto ufs. The mapping for ext2 just doesn't work well and
> never will

If you are running NFS on Linux you sould be looking at . Dave Higgen has been doing a lot
of good things in this area.


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