
Re: Persistence without IP or cookies?

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Persistence without IP or cookies?
From: Juri Haberland <news-innominate.list.linux.lvs.users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 18:00:58 +0100
Andy Marsh wrote:
> We are trying to set-up a server farm with the
> following configuration:
> Two load balancers
> 7 backend servers.
> The problem is as follows:
> We need client-server persistency, but cannot use
> cookies or IP addresses (our clients are behind
> very restrictive proxies/firewalls).

> We must allow balancing of the first request from
> the client, every subsequent request then being
> sent to the same server. Without using some form
> of URL redirection (make each backend server have
> all served pages have a specific url in them, eg.
> is there are
> way to do this?

Isn't this what the persistence flag of ipvsadm provides (persistence
for a short amount of time)? Or do you want that a client connects to
the same server for ever (e.g. a month or even a year later)?
In the latter case you should go with Lars answer.


system engineer                                         innominate AG
clustering & security                            the linux architects
tel: +49-30-308806-45   fax: -77  

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