
Re: Persistence without IP or cookies?

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Persistence without IP or cookies?
From: iceam@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 08:06:05 GMT
>Well, what _does_ your application use to associate an 
>incoming request with a specific client?

The problem that we have is trying to work out what to
use to identify our clients. Layer 7 switching is an,
using the http/1.1 'host' header, but this will be the same
for peaople behind a proxy server too. What could be
needed is some way to integrate LVS wlc for the first
client request and then apache to re-write url's after
thyat. Question is, is this possible and how would I go about doing it? Is it 
possible to integrate this into LVS
somehow? I know it invlves layer 7 switching to some
extent, but I'm sure there must be a way around putting
the L7 switching into apache. An apache mod maybe. Would
make persistency easier to handle maybe? Well, ta for now...


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