
Re: server monitoring with weight changes

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: server monitoring with weight changes
From: Jeremy Kerr <jeremy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 18:54:20 +0800
> OTOH, someone recently spoke
> on the list about a monitoring tool which could use plugins to monitor
> the real servers.

Yep, that was me. As I've said earlier (check out the thead starting at ), the 
software sends server load information to the director to be inserted in to 
the ipvs weighting tables.

I'm busy writing up the benchmarking results at the moment, and I'll post a 
link to the paper (and software) soon. In summary: when the simulation 
cluster is (intentionally) unbalanced, the feedback software sucessfully 
evens the load between all servers.

> In this way, I think it should be interresting to dynamically change the 
> weight of each real server depending on the time taken to load a Web 
> page using a tool like wget.. ;)

This would be a simpler solution, as it could be done entirely on the 
director.. Of course, your mileage will vary depending on how closely the 
time taken reflects server 'health'


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