
Re: server monitoring with weight changes

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: server monitoring with weight changes
From: Sébastien Bonnet <Sebastien.Bonnet@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 11:26:54 +0100

> Personaly I think it adds complication you shouldn't require...
> As your servers are running the same app they should respond in
> roughly the same way to traffic..

You said it : *should* ! Now, imagine you have N real servers, exact
same machines, serving the same content. And for any reason, the CPU
load on one of them skyrockets. Do you still think it *should* receives
as many requests as the other RS ? Personaly, I don't. Decreasing its
weight will give it an opportunity to come down.

You could also have more complicated setups where a few RS are serving
differents contents. A real server becoming loaded because it's part of
a loaded virtual server should not impact the global load of another
unload virtual server.

> If you have a very fast server reduce its weight.

That's actually the way I initially do (when lvs/piranha starts). Then,
the weights may vary a bit due to CPU load, but globally keeping the
initial ratio between RS.


Sébastien Bonnet
  Centre de contacts - Experian France

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