
Re: server monitoring with weight changes

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: server monitoring with weight changes
From: Malcolm Turnbull <Malcolm.Turnbull@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 10:10:12 +0000
Sébastien Bonnet wrote:
Is it advisable to create a monitoring program that changes the
weightage of the realserver?

RedHat's Piranha does it based on CPU load. OTOH, someone recently spoke
on the list about a monitoring tool which could use plugins to monitor
the real servers.

Sébastien ,

Personaly I think it adds complication you shouldn't require...
As your servers are running the same app they should respond in roughly the same way to traffic..

If you have a very fast server reduce its weight.

If you have some very slow pages.. i.e. Global Search...
Then why not set up another VIP to make sure that all requests to are evenly distributed... or restricted to a couple of servers (so they don't imapact everyone else..)

But obviously it all depends on how your app works, with mine its database performance that is the problem...

Time to look at loadbalancing the DB !, Does anyone have any experience of doing this with MS SQL server and or PostGreSQL ? I'm thinking about running the session / sales stuff of the MS SQL box, and all the readonly content from several readonly PostGreSQL DBs...
Due to licencing costs... :-(.



Malcolm Turnbull. Ltd
01344 629629

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