Hello, all.
Sorry repost.
When I execute below, it means the ESTABLISHED timeout is 12:03, 12 minutes
and 03 second.
# ipvsadm -Lc|grep EST|less
TCP 12:03 ESTABLISHED web2:46651 lvs:mysql db1:mysql
TCP 12:03 ESTABLISHED web1:43393 lvs:mysql db1:mysql
But, my timeout is like 480 sec(4 min),right?
# sysctl -a|grep timeout|grep estab
net.ipv4.vs.timeout_established = 480
Surely, there is no established packet at that server.
Because of this problem, all packets are not gone to this server at wlc
What's the problem and how can I solve this problem?
Any advise thanks in advance.
상큼한 만남과 따뜻한 공동체 생활... 지금 MSN 커뮤니티에서 시작하세요!