The default timeout values are fine. You can use "ipvsadm -Lcn" to list
the connections at the load balancer when there is no connection at the
servers, most likely those connections will be expired soon (see the
expire value).
If you stick to that connections will be expired at almost the same time
that they are expired in the servers, you can use
"cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout" at the server to see the timeout
value, then set the same timeout value at the load balancer by "ipvsadm
--set 900 <tcp_fin_timeout> 300".
So thanks for your answer.
But my concern is "ESTABLISHED" state and I guess that timeout is 15
minutes now,
So when I use wlc schedule algorithm, there are some problems because so
long established state timeout, in spite of the no connection.
Please re-answer about this problem.
상큼한 만남과 따뜻한 공동체 생활... 지금 MSN 커뮤니티에서 시작하세요!