On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 19:02 -0500, Omar Armas wrote:
> I was thinking in something like this:
> [LVS -> MX -> spooler w/ mail store on NFS]
> My questions are:
> Is this the ideal solution?(in the context of free software)
we're using LVS, Exim and Cyrus. it works well for us. NFS is
hard/expensive to scale up. our Cyrus stores on a SAN, and the Cyrus
processes migrate to a different node if a node dies (HP ServiceGuard.)
everything is duplicated, and there's only one single point of failure:
the RAID box (HP EVA). we could buy cheap ATAboys (or similar) in pairs
and do mirroring of them in software RAID to get rid of that SPOF, but
I'm not sure they can deliver the I/O needed. I believe Cyrus Murder
can replace some aspects of ServiceGuard, but I haven't looked into it
very carefully.
> How would you redirect sendmail from layer 1 to layer 2?
we're running Exim on the Cyrus hosts, it delivers to Cyrus over LMTP.
> What MTA configuration would you recomend? Sendmail, Sendmail+Cyrus,
> qmail?
Exim is _very_ flexible, I like it very much. Postfix is a good
candidate, too, but I think the debug and testing of Exim configuration
is easier.
Kjetil T. (one of postmaster@xxxxxx, 60k users)