

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: FTP
From: LVS@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:51:32 -0600
Jeff wrote:

Graeme Fowler wrote:


Quoting LVS@xxxxxxxxx:

Is there a good "How To" out there that anyone has run across for running FTP through LVS?
I've done some searches and I haven't yet seen anything complete.

Erm... I probably wouldn't class this as a HOWTO, but it might help you.

For LVS-NAT (which is what I'm doing):

1. At boot time on the director, make sure that the module "ip_vs_ftp" is
loaded. For RedHat-alikes:

echo "/sbin/modprobe -v ip_vs_ftp" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local (or /etc/rc.local.
depending on version).

It's not in rc.local yet, but I did type /sbin/modprobe -v ip_vs_ftp and its listed in lsmod.

2. Make sure that you have a virtual server definition for both TCP ports 20 and
21 pointing to the appropriate realservers on TCP ports 20 and 21.

I'm Confused, the how to in section 11.3 states "You do not add entries for port 20 with ipvsadm."

3. If using any form of iptables for firewalling, make sure your clients can
reach TCP ports 20 and 21 on the director's VIP and the clients RIP.

Though I'm no iptable guru, I don't think I have a firewall issue, I can connect to the realserver from the director, just not thru the director.

4. Tell the clients not to use passive mode.

I'm going to need to let the clients do whatever they want.. :-(

...erm... that's it. It works for me.

Great! I'm glad that someone is using this configuration, that give's me confidence that I'll get there too..



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