Hi folks,
We had a major power outage last night, and everything got rebooted,
including my LVS directors (RHEL3, Ultramonkey 3, mainly LVS-NAT).
Everything came back up fine, but it seems that some Oracle clients
outside the cluster are timing out (i.e. connections seem to expire) to
the Oracle server on the inside of the cluster. I have set persistence
for these connections to 604800 seconds, but I forgot to script 'ipvsadm
--set 604800 0 0' to happen at boot time. I've just run this manually,
and I'll soon see whether it fixes the Oracle timeout issue.
In the meantime, can anyone tell me what /proc values the 'ipvsadm
--set' command actually modifies? Something in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs?
Also, does anyone script an 'ipvsadm --set' command at boot time? If so,
where... /etc/rc.d/rc.local?