
Re: lvs with ssh with kerberos

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: lvs with ssh with kerberos
From: Ryan Leathers <ryan.leathers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 16:13:23 -0500
I'm not sure from your explanation just what you are after.  There is no
particular connection between kerberos and lvs... at least no more than
there would be for kerberos and any other random system tool.  

If you are asking if it is possible to have a system be kerberized and
also tackle some lvs chores, then yes, you can do that.  Its a bit like
asking if one can comb their hair and eat an ice-cream.  The two don't
have much to do with one another, but there is certainly nothing
preventing it.

Now if you are asking if lvs can be used for your kerberos servers, the
answer is still yes, but it doesn't make sense to do so.  You can only
have one kerberos server active at any one time for a realm.  You would
never balance the load, so you may as well just let them fail over
normally without trying to tie lvs into the mix. 

If you want to get extra fancy and overly-complicated with kerberos
server fail-over you might look at using heartbeat to determine if the
service is down and then promote the backup lickity-split-fast, but
again, this really doesn't buy you much over the plain vanilla (man, now
I'm thinking about ice-cream) method of fail-over.  



On Wed, 2006-03-01 at 12:04 -0800, Peter Michalek wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd be interested to know if LVS can be used and setup for silent login
> (no password prompting, i.e. using ticket forwarding) using ssh and
> kerberos.
> In the FAQ, I didn't find any mention of kerberos or what's needed to
> set this up or if it's at all possible:
> Has anyone made this work?
> Thanks,
> Peter
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