
Re: [lvs-users] LVS and OpenVZ

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [lvs-users] LVS and OpenVZ
From: Gerry Reno <greno@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 13:41:49 -0400
Joseph Mack NA3T wrote:
> realserver is an LVS term referring to the machine/node(s) 
> that are being loadbalanced by the director.
> I've never liked the LVS nomenclature; e.g. "virtual", 
> "realserver", but since I couldn't come up with an 
> alternative and no-one else seemed to mind, I've just 
> accepted it. We haven't had too much problems with the word 
> "virtual" since we haven't run into other projects using the 
> term much. However if realservers are going to be 
> virtualised, there's going to be lots of name space 
> collisions.
I can see the term 'realserver' becoming a problem. A lot of people are 
going to think this is real hardware when it's not limited to just real 
hardware. I think a better term might be 'actual server' or 'runserver' 
or 'destination server' or 'target server' or anything that doesn't use 
real/virtual. The virtualization world is pretty much defining the 
meaning of real/virtual. The LVS world needs to adopt some other 
language to describe where the target service lives.


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