
Re: lvs-nat on WAN and...

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: lvs-nat on WAN and...
From: "posko" <malalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 00:21:42 +0200

>>What is the reason that RealServers work only in private networks? Is it
>possible to run them on >WAN? Maybe on different networks for
>>each RS?
>There is no reason, RS can work in any environment, private networks 
>and public networks. What made you come to your conclusion? To what
>exactly do you refer with "... run them on WAN"? As long as you use
>TCP/IP, you will be happy with LVS. I don't understand the usage of
>having each RS on a different network. Please explain ...

I want to have several RSs in different networks, but with one Director for 

>>And the 2nd one: Has anybody thoght about lvs-nat where there is more
>than one Director? Is it >possible?
>Do you mean stacked directors in series? Like on director load balances
>two directors which in turn load balance different RS farms? This is
>possible and I think someone has done it for fun. If you don't refer
>to this, you should be more precise, maybe a sketch could help.

I mean something like this:

Dir    Dir    Dir
  |       |      |
  |       |      |
RS   RS   RS

Two or three Dirs working with the same RSs.



>BTW, pretty strange homepage but hot chicks you guys have over there. 



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