
port translation in lvs

To: "'lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: port translation in lvs
From: Ryan Leathers <Ryan.Leathers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004 09:31:47 -0500
Can port translation be done by lvs?


I have lvs-nat running with 2 redundant directors and 3 real servers.

My web app listens on high port 9999.

I'm very pleased with the load distribution currently.


Now I want to add port translation.

Users should be able to reach my web app with a standard http request.

I need requests to port 80 at the VIP to be forwarded to port 9999 at the
real servers.


Why not just change the web app to use port 80 you ask?

Short answer is I can't.


So how can this be done?

Is there anything in lvs config to be aware of?

Is this just iptables rules on the directors?

What is the RIGHT way to do this?


Thanks for answers, suggestions, or links






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