
Re: Pirahna, Ultra Monkey, any others?

To: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Pirahna, Ultra Monkey, any others?
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Paul Lussier <pll@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 09:57:28 -0400
In a message dated: Mon, 08 May 2000 21:58:47 PDT
Horms said:

>Actually, to do this with Ultra Monkey you would probably use heartbeat.
>Ldirectord is used to monitor the servers that are available when load
>balancing is done and will include all available nodes in the pool of
>servers to which connections can be laod balanced.  Heartbeat on the other
>hand can be used to manage 2 or more servers that own particular resources
>that are available on exactly one node at any given time.

Okay, let me see if I have this completely understood :)

        - LVS uses Ldirectord for load balancing among the "real servers"
        - heartbeat is used by systems configured in a redundant/failover
          configuration to monitor each other

So, for the failover side of LVS, I need

>       - ipvs kernel patch 
>       - mon/fping
>       -

        - heartbeat

Do I need anything else, like Fake, or Failoverd?  Or are these funtionalities 
accounted for in heartbeat?


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             I meet lots of interesting people that way."
                                          Niall Kavanagh, 10 April, 2000

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