
Does someone really use LVS as a HTTP,FTP or SMTP server?

To: ratz <ratz@xxxxxx>
Subject: Does someone really use LVS as a HTTP,FTP or SMTP server?
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: huatao <thua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 11:25:20 +0800
Thanks ratz,

Thursday, November 16, 2000, 11:43:47 PM, you wrote:

r> Hi Huatao,

r> huatao wrote:
>> Hello lvs-users,
>>   It's my first time to write to this list, nice to meet you all!
>>   I've got some questions:
>>   One is when failover takes place, will the requests during the failover
>>   course lose?

r> Yes, unfortunately. And this is very nasty for persistent setups
r> in an e-commerce environment. Take for example a simple e-com site
r> providing some subjects to buy. You can browse and view all their
r> goodies. At a certain point you want to buy something. Ok, it is
r> common nowadays that people can buy over the Internet with CC. Obviously
r> this is done f.e. with SSL. SSL needs persistency enabled in the 
r> lvs-configuration. Imaging having 1000 users (conn ESTABLISHED)
r> that are entering their VISA information when the database server
r> crashes and the healthcheck takes out the server; or even more simple
r> when the server/service itself crashes. Ok, all already established
r> connections (they have a persistent template in the kernel space)
r> are lost and these 1000 users have to reauthenticate. How does this
r> look from a clients point of view which has no idea about the technology
r> behind a certain site.
r> To summarize: Yes, you loose the information in the kernel space about
r> the templates. Good thing: The design for a possible synchronisation
r> of the masqerading table from one director to another one is done the
r> implementation not.

>>   The other is how to benchmark failover, that is how long the services
>>   provided by LVS will be unavailable during the failover course.

r> This is up to different things: Your failover software used, the switch
r> setup and learning delay (extremely stupid feature of cisco switches) and
r> your setup.

It's a pity, but i'm really happy to hear about the good thing.
So what kind of problems does LVS usually solve if it is not the one
for e-commerce? Does someone really use LVS as a HTTP,FTP or SMTP


Best regards,
 huatao                            mailto:thua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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