
Re: Does someone really use LVS as a HTTP,FTP or SMTP server?

To: huatao <thua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Does someone really use LVS as a HTTP,FTP or SMTP server?
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: ratz <ratz@xxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 16:41:07 +0100
Hi Huatao,

> r> Oups, you lost me here. Could you elaborate a little bit more on the
> r> first question? Do you want to know what scheduler is running by
> r> connecting to the VIP?  ???
>    In fact, i want to know how to verify those scheduling algorithms
>    like rr,wrr,lc,wlc each is doing it's own work. For example,

Aha, now I understand, this is rather simple.

>    if i use Netscape Navigator 4.7 to connect to the VIP, and keep
>    reloading, i should be able be see the index.html in DocumentRoot
>    of the webserver on each different realserver alternating accroding to the
>    scheduling algorithm(of course the index.htmls are different :-) ),
>    but it's not working very well , due to the cache of Netscape
>    Navigator, i think. Lynx is better? I'll try it.

Do a SHIFT+[click on reload] and this should work. At least it works over
here. For some (for me) unknown reasons if you just click on reload, some-
times the cache comes into play. So press shift and then click and it will
But as you already mentioned, using lynx is of course the better variant
to test it ;) Just do a:
while true; do lynx -nolog -nopause -noredir -reload -mime_header http://VIP/;
sleep 1; done
and watch your different static pages fly by. It's a good proof-of-concept.


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