
RE: Starting LVS

To: "'lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Starting LVS
From: Nael Mohammad <nmohammad@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 07:46:06 -0700
Yes, its possible to create a Linux cluster behind the firewall on your
internal LAN, just specify all IP address to a local host or

 And in the case of other packages, the packages you have should be
sufficient. Unless you have more that you want to do, but in the case of a
LVS. That's all you would need. If I'm wrong, can the community correct me. 

Nael Mohammad
Neomar, Inc.
415-403-7300 x314 (Work)
415-793-0609 (Mobile)
"When Wireless Means Business"

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-----Original Message-----
From: George G. Georgiev [mailto:georgiev@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 10:37 AM
To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Starting LVS

Hey all,

I have 4 linux servers running Red Hat 7.1 and i want to create 2
virtual and 2 real server setup.
Now on 3 of the machines i have ipvsadm and Piranha installed but not
configured. Also I am operating only on an internal company network.

My questions are if first of all it is possible to create LVS only on
internal network, or i "need" the real I-net also, plus do i need any
other packages besides Piranha and ipvsadm in order to be successful !

Thank you in advance !!!


George G. Georgiev
Co-op Systems Engineer

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