Michael McConnell wrote:
Paul, you said that I could simply copy the Data from the Slave to a new
Slave, but you must keep in mind, in order to do this MySQL requires that
the Master and Slave data files be IDENTICAL, that means the Master must be
turned off, the data copied to the slave, and then both systems activated.
Resulting in serious downtime.
You only have to make a copy of the data one time when you initial set
up your Master the first time. As long as it takes to do this is your
kill mysqlpid
tar cvf mysql-snapshot.tar /path/to/mysql/datadir
Your down time is essentially only how long it takes to copy your 6 gigs
of data NOT across a network, but just on the same machine. (which is
far less than a myisamchk on the same data) Once that is done, at your
leisure you can copy the 6 gigs to the slave while the master is still
up and serving requests.
You can then continue to make slave after slave after slave just by
copying the original snap shot to each one. The master never has to be
taking offline again.
Paul J. Baker Internet Systems Developer
pbaker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Where2GetIt.com
phone 847-498-0111x234
fax 847-480-7422