
Re: MySQL Replication

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: MySQL Replication
From: jsc3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (John Cronin)
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 18:51:21 -0400 (EDT)
> I do recognize this is not *perfect* I run the Rsync every 20 minutes, and
> then I run myismchk on the slave system immediately afterwards. I run the
> MyISMChk to only scan Tables that have changed since the last check. Not all
> my tables change every 20 minutes. I will be timing operations and lowering
> this Rsync down to approximately 12 minutes. This method works very
> effectively for managing a 6 Gig Database that is changing approximately 400
> megs of data a day.

What kind of CPU load are you seeing?  rsync is more CPU intensive than
most other replication methods, which is how it gains its bandwidth

Also, can somebody give a brief synopsis of how MySQL replication works?
I would suspect that since the database has inside knowledge of the data,
it should be keeping a transaction log or something like that.

John Cronin
mailto: `echo NjsOc3@xxxxxxxxxxx | sed 's/[NOSPAM]//g'`

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