Jacob Coby wrote:
> Once I added load balancing to our webserver, somewhat large uploads (11k I
> know doesn't work, probably 3k or so may not either, still testing) timeout,
> giving a "Server cannont be displayed."
generate a large file (foo.html) and reliably get your error message.
Look at the output of ipvsadm (for InActConns etc), to see if anything
wierd is happening there.
Then monitor your director and the realserver with tcpdump
(you will need to run tcpdump on each machine) to see what
happens when the client fetches foo.html.
I expect you will see hung connections. What to do about them
will have to await your data.
Joseph Mack PhD, Senior Systems Engineer, SAIC contractor
to the National Environmental Supercomputer Center,
ph# 919-541-0007, RTP, NC, USA. mailto:mack.joseph@xxxxxxx