
Re: configuration error

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: configuration error
From: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 10:38:31 +0900
On Tue, Jun 10, 2003 at 12:56:18PM -0500, Andy Chandler wrote:
> The problems I have are:
> 1. At my first attempt to hit the virtual server, I always get a "server
> not found" error in my browser.  As soon as I reload, I get one of the
> three real servers' index.html pages as expected.

That sounds suspicously like lynx is connecting to the wrong host -
i.e. not to the Linux Director. Either that, or one of the
real servers is malfunctioning.

> 2. I tried to hit the virtual address from 5 different machines using
> lynx (within 30 seconds of each other) and they all landed on the same
> real server.  I assume there's either a stickyness or timeout issue I
> have to configure.

Are you sure that the connections are going through the Linux Director?
Do the connections show up when your run ipvsadm -L -n and
ipvsadm -L -c -n ?

It sounds suspiciously like you are connecting directly to one of the
real servers - the ARP problem.  Check the arp entries for the VIP on
the machines that your are running lynx on.  You probably need to hide
the loopback interfaces on your real servers.

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