
Re: Again: LVS/Apache cluster freezes from time to time

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Again: LVS/Apache cluster freezes from time to time
From: Jan Abraham <jan_abraham@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 21:41:17 +0100
> this is one of the longest running unbsolved problems we've ever had :-(

Not anymore. I've solved the issue this morning. Combination of two
independent problems:

Problem A:
- Poorly written PHP application (lucky me, not my fault...) -> tons of
PHP includes on every request
- Lack of noatime,nodiratime in /etc/fstab
- Use of ext3 with the default data mode (ordered)
I should be beaten for this. Still, it's a unknown issue why it worked
well without LVS.

Problem B:
A switch that mysteriously sends packets to the wrong servers. That was
not caused by the LVS-DR phenomenon you, Joe, have described in you
message last Wednesday, since I reconfigured for LVS-NAT again. We've
replaced the switch two times, now all packets arrive where they should.
I'll try to get back to LVS-DR tomorrow...

Thank you all for your help, guys :)


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