> It's not (yet) a production system, so I've no problem using 2.6. One
> question, though -- now that I have one director running,
> what solutions
> do people use to make a backup director that takes over
> fairly quickly
> when the main one fails? I've been planning on starting with
> linux-ha...
I think almost everyone uses linux-ha (through www.ultramonkey.org) or
keepalived (www.keepalived.org). I would look at both if I were you.
Ultramonkey allows you to use serial & other connections and is more stable,
while keepalived has snazzy new features and (in my experience) faster
failover times. I use both; keepalived for VRRP-routers and Ultramonkey for
production LVS servers.
Oh, and just in case you didn't find that confusing enough, I think the
userbase is split about 50/50 now ;-)