
Re: lvs-dr operating question

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: lvs-dr operating question
From: kwijibo@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 08:44:29 -0700
Wouldn't initiating another telnet while the first
telnet is still connected cause it to start the RR?

I know in keepalived you can set the persistence, not
sure about other HA implementations.

Joseph Mack wrote:
Karen Shepelak wrote:

When I telnet from a client to the VIP, I get logged in to one of the
Realservers. This much seems to work.
But, if I telnet again to the VIP, I get logged in to the same
Realserver. Another telnet to VIP logs me into
the same Realserver yet again.
As you can see from the settings above, the scheduling is set for Round
Robin. With this setting, if another
telnet session is sent to the VIP,  shouldn't LVS select a different
Realserver from the one
selected previously?

not neccessarily.
LVS has a timeout before it decides that a connection from the CIP is a new one.
I think the timeout is FIN_WAIT. Try again after 2 mins. I know sometimes
I get your behaviour and sometime I get the expected behaviour (client goes
to multiple realservers to download all the hits on a webpage), but I haven't
tracked down what's causing it.


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