
Re: Busted Cluster

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Busted Cluster
From: Nigel Hamilton <nigel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 22:51:53 -0600 (CST)

* What precisely does the InActConn figures show?

Any connection that is not in the ESTABLISHED state.
Most of these will be closed, just waiting to time out -
they are kept around in case any stray packets show up.
You can observe the state of connections using ipvsadm -Lcn

HI Horms,

Thanks for the response. OK. I can see a lot of connections in the FIN_WAIT state. The cluster is now lightly-loaded - but despite that the number of connections in the FIN_WAIT state seems too high? Is this something to worry about or is it normal?

        When the cluster comes under a lot of load the InActConn numbers
grow very quickly and jump to over 2000. Is there a resource penalty for FIN_WAIT connections? - the simple answer may be there is not enough capacity in the cluster to handle the higher loads.

        Here is a snapshot under light load:

IP Virtual Server version 1.0.10 (size=65536)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP  66.98.x.y:80 rr
  -> 66.98.x.y:80              Tunnel  1      7          1095
  -> 67.15.x.y:80               Tunnel  1      5          1101
  -> 66.98.x.y:80              Tunnel  1      3          1099
  -> 207.44.x.y:80             Tunnel  1      4          1092
  -> 207.44.x.y:80             Tunnel  1      5          1098
  -> 69.57.x.y:80              Tunnel  1      4          1096
  -> 67.15.x.y:80                Tunnel  1      7          1095
  -> 67.15.x.y:80               Tunnel  1      20         1091
  -> 207.44.x.y:80             Tunnel  1      5          1104
  -> 66.98.x.y:80               Tunnel  1      8          1093
  -> 67.15.x.y:80               Tunnel  1      13         1086
  -> 67.15.x.y:80               Tunnel  1      6          1095
  -> 69.57.x.y:80              Tunnel  1      5          1111
  -> 69.57.x.y:80              Tunnel  1      6          1100
  -> 67.15.x.y:80               Tunnel  1      9          1112
  -> 69.57.x.y:80              Tunnel  1      5          1106
  -> 67.15.x.y:80               Tunnel  1      10         1086
  -> 67.15.x.y:80               Tunnel  1      17         1082
  -> 67.15.x.y:80               Tunnel  1      13         1094
  -> 67.15.x.y:80               Tunnel  1      9          1109
  -> 207.44.x.y:80             Tunnel  1      5          1081
  -> 207.44.x.y:80             Tunnel  1      5          1098
  -> 66.98.x.y:80              Tunnel  1      3          1108
  -> 207.44.x.y:80             Tunnel  0      0          0   # busted node
  -> 207.44.x.y:80             Tunnel  1      4          1089

Kind regards,


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