I have setup a configuration with two ldirectors and two real servers
the virtual services for http and https are configured in ldirectord.cf
i) Is there a way i can specify a set of realservers(a subnet say from
ipconfig range : to so that as and when a system
with an ip address of the given range is added to teh network it becomes
part of teh configuration.
ii)Earlier i was configuring the real servers using ipvsadm. now ldirectord
if working and teh ipvsadm command gives the following output.
[root@dir1 ssh]# /sbin/ipvsadm
IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP rr persistent 600
-> localhost.localdomain:http Local 1 0 0
-> Masq 0 0 0
-> Masq 0 0 0
TCP rr persistent 600
-> localhost.localdomain:https Local 1 0 0
-> Masq 0 0 0
-> Masq 0 0 0
There doesnt seem to be any act or inactive conn and i am not able to access
teh real servers which i used to while i was manually adding teh real
servers on cammdn line using ipvsadm. My log file /var/log/ldirectord.log is
empty and i am presuming that ldirectord is working fine. Does the above
output mean that the two real servers are down?
Please let me know
And forgive me if i am wierd but i would be thanbkful if somebody can direct
me to procure for setting up ldirectord an dteh cases it might go wrong, how
to jknow if its working
Thanks and regds