
Re: Keepalived Director failover, LVS-TUN

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Keepalived Director failover, LVS-TUN
From: Matt Chan <engineuity@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 09:59:46 -0500
On 2/6/06, Graeme Fowler <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 1. Are the scripts executable?

The permissions are 755. I can run it from command line.

2. If you down the interface, how are the VRRP announcements going to
> be seen by the application? Yes, you'll be able to see them if run
> tcpdump (if the interface is brought up using "ifconfig eth0 up") but
> the application won't see them at all.

Sorry, I have two cards in each director. One for VIP traffic and one for
the DIP traffic. The DIP is on eth0, and if the connection were to "go down"
for the VIP (eth1), the monitoring is done on eth0. Basically, to get around
my issues of the actual connection transferring properly, I am attempting to
force it by bringing up/down the VIP interface on the MASTER/BACKUP machine.

Also, I notice that there's a bit of a puzzler with your config - all
> your VRRP instances are bound to eth0 using the interface statement,
> but VI_1 binds the virtual_ipaddress to eth1. When you unplug a cable,
> which one are you disconnection? eth0, or eth1?

For the test I unplug both, assuming the worst case scenario.

-Matt Chan

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