On Thu 09 Feb 2006 15:03:32 GMT , Matt Chan <engineuity@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I added the track interface into my conf, but there was a never ending loop
that occurred when restarting keepalived:
The entry:
vrrp_instance VI_1{
state MASTER
interface eth1
#lvs_sync_daemon_interface eth0
virtual_router_id 51
priority 100
advert_int 1
x.x.x.208/32 dev eth1
notify_master "/sbin/masterState.sh"
notify_backup "/sbin/backupState.sh"
notify_fault "/sbin/backupState.sh"
You want the track_interface to be the *other* interface, not the same
one. If you have "interface eth0" then the "track_interface {..." must
be eth1, and vice-versa.
Running debian, pretty stock 2.6.8-2-686-smp...I dont have it. Any ideas why
the notify scripts wont run?
Hmmm... no.
However: As you're running an SMP kernel, if you're using a P4 with
Hyperthreading (or indeed a dual-proc system) switched on then either
turn HT off or boot with a uniprocessor kernel. Keepalived has been
known to have problems with SMP systems, which can be worked around by
either doing as mentioned already to go uni-proc, *or* separate the
VRRP and healthcheck daemons by running two separate instances with the
right options.