
Re: IPVS Benchmarking

To: Joseph Mack <mack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: IPVS Benchmarking
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Ray Bellis <rpb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 08:19:52 +0000 (GMT)
On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Joseph Mack wrote:

> Sorry I still haven't got it. What does "pretend" mean?

I mean that the VIP is assigned from the same subnet as the RIPs but isn't
physically present on the LAN segment, only in the loopback interfaces of
every box (including the directors).

> I just looked at the VS-NAT part of my HOWTO where I emphatically declare
> that the VIP and the RIPs have to be on a separate network. I realised
> that this is only required in test setups where the client is on the same
> network as the VIP (ie no router between the client and the VIP) and the
> director only has one NIC. In this case packets may be able to go directly
> from the realservers to the client even if the director is the default gw
> for the realservers if the director has ICMP redirects on (anyone know if
> they are on?).

> So you have redundant LVS's (=director+realservers) or an LVS with
> redundant directors? My understading of OSPF is pretty thin - how does
> it handle a failed director? How do you move the VIP from one director
> to another?

We have redundant directors.  We don't move the VIP from one director to
another, it's permanently configured in both directors.  External packets
only arrive at a director if that director is the current preferred OSPF
route into the LVS.  If the primary director fails OSPF makes the other
director automatically become the preferred router instead, and it all
keeps on working. 

> > We still have to use an additional monitoring daemon to handle dead
> > realservers.
> mon or similar?

We haven't actually done that bit yet...


Ray Bellis, MA(Oxon) - Technical Director - community internet plc

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