
Re: RedHat Enterprise Linux AS as realservers?

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: RedHat Enterprise Linux AS as realservers?
From: Paolo Penzo <paolo.penzo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 08:58:01 +0200
My config looks like your!

On that same machine (cache5), I can ping its VIP and check that the VIP
doesn't appear in the ARP cache. However, when I try to ping the VIP
from my desktop machine, I get replies which my ARP cache shows have
come from the MAC address of cache5's eth0. No other machine has the
VIP, so it must be cache5 which is replying.
Did you clear the arp cache of you desktop before start testing? Are you sure there is no other machine with the VIP? Is there any Director with the VIP configured? If you run tcmdump on the RS, you should see "echo_request" coming from your desktop but no "echo reply".


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