
Re: NAT cluster....

To: "David D.W. Downey" <david.downey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: NAT cluster....
Cc: Michael McConnell <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Ted Pavlic <tpavlic@xxxxxxxxxxx>, lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 22:01:22 -0400
On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 07:49:29PM -0500, David D.W. Downey wrote:
> Once I kick+ban'd Red Hat's crappy HA Server 1.0 off my machines and
> installed VA Linux's  freely available ISOs, I got LVS to work the way
> it's supposed to. (Sad affair when another comapny can do a competing
> company's software right)



> AFAIK, there is nothing available at this time that will allow the FRONT
> END nodes (those handling the VIP) to route the traffic to different
> backend servers SAVE ONLY the fact that you can declare multiple VIPs in
> the file and declare THERE which backend servers will handle each
> VIP. But short of those 2 methods there is nothing else *I* know of that
> will do it.

There is a method of doing this with Squid which I believe was perviously
posed to the list but is yet (I can repost it if you like). But
as squid is user space it is bound to be slower than using LVS in the


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