
Re: NAT cluster....

To: "David D.W. Downey" <david.downey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: NAT cluster....
Cc: Michael McConnell <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Ted Pavlic <tpavlic@xxxxxxxxxxx>, lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Keith Barrett <kbarrett@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 17:11:57 -0400
"David D.W. Downey" wrote:
> Once I kick+ban'd Red Hat's crappy HA Server 1.0 off my machines and
> installed VA Linux's  freely available ISOs, I got LVS to work the way
> it's supposed to. (Sad affair when another comapny can do a competing
> company's software right)

Several Linux companies offer Linux HA solutions without even access to the
source code, let alone ISO's.

All the HA Server components ARE available online, as well as instructions
for upgrading the base Linux product into the HA Server product. In fact,
the instructions were written by a community member, not Red Hat.

Red Hat does not provide ISO's of all it's products (for example; there is
no ISO for the enterprise or secure web server product). They are not even
required to. There is only 6meg of difference (1%) between the Linux product
and HA Server.

David has many personal issues with Red Hat that have nothing to do with the
HA product, so I would recommend that people investigate for themselves what
Linux HA solution serves them best.


Keith Barrett
Red Hat Inc. HA Team

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