
Re: NAT cluster....

To: "David D.W. Downey" <david.downey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: NAT cluster....
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Keith Barrett <kbarrett@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 15:16:21 -0400
"David D.W. Downey" wrote:
> You made these statements (starting in bugzilla) without so
> much as getting the configuration file for the product that we we're
> using, without so much as a START of a walk through on debugging the
> problem. 

Not true. In fact, I reported that we performed a complete lab test
using your config file and did not have the problem.

> You DID however immediately close the problem as a "Works for
> me", you DID insinuate that it was user error. Fromt he beginning it has
> been a "there's nothing wrong with our product" statement from your
> lips. You refused to even entertain the possibility thereof.

Well; let's look...

Here are all the entries logged by you. None were closed as
"Works for me".


#1 was closed because it was being handled between you and phone support,
which is an official channel (bugzilla is a casual channel). You were also
having a rather heated exchange with them that I chose not to involve
myself in and do not care to know more about. It's not my job.

#2 Marked resolved because it does work and we could not reproduce your
problem. The "method" being reported is exhaustively used by both
engineering and QA, and is well documented. If there was a problem,
I would most certainly want to correct it. Part of your complaint was
that you had to use a client to perform the task instead of on the
server directly, which is not considered a product bug and is not
expected to change.

#3 was accepted as a bug needing correction. Geee, sure sounds like I'm
taking you seriously.

#4 Was closed because it was documented as current product behavior, with
improvement planned in next release. Once confirmed I must close the
entry according to new practices; I cannot keep entries open as a
reminder tool.

>Flat out lie, Kieth considering we talked quite extensively on the
>internal mailing lists.

If true I have no memory of it. I certainly never remember meeting you.
Until recently, I did not know anyone in support.

> The baggage is a failure in your product which you spearheaded the denial
> of any failure in the product.

Hummm. People that know me would laugh at that. I'm critical of all
software, and would probably never spearhead anything concerning computers
(religion, freedom, etc. ... yes). Piranha existed before I joined Red Hat.
I personally have never denied that any software has bugs. How about
this... "Every program I ever wrote for the last 20 years, or will write,
is imperfect and will have bugs or room for improvement". :)

> It is now over.

:) :) :)


Keith Barrett
Red Hat Inc. HA Team

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