
RE: Geographic Loadbalancing..

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Geographic Loadbalancing..
From: "Peter Mueller" <pmueller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 13:22:01 -0700
> If you have multiple A records your going to have a round 
> robin effect.
> This is not what this person wants.  They may be able to use the
> supersparrow code to do do active/passive dns failover with 
> some tweaks.

Are you sure you want to recommend code that is version 0.0.0 for 3
years?  Maybe Horms has a version he recommends.


Nice page, it has some good information.  My company will be starting a
second presence shortly.  What are all the other LVS users doing?  We
had been looking at a 3DNS solution
( or a multiple A record
solution.  After reading about the browser cache I think it will be the
A record solution.

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