
Re: Trouble setting up LVS/TUN

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Trouble setting up LVS/TUN
From: redirecting decoy <redirectingdecoy@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 10:49:25 -0800 (PST)
> it would be nice if it worked that way but it doesn't. The call originating
> on the director comes from a different place (LOCAL_IN?) than the call
> originating outside and is not sent to LVS

Ok, so it's working correctly then.

Another question, after setting up the VIP on the director, with no LVS rules 
in place,
a request to vip:port (port being any running service on DIP) responds to the 
without any problems.  However, once LVS rules are set,  this behavior stays 
the same. 
I would think that the director would only respond to services that the lvs is 
for.  For example, I setup the director to load balance port 100, which is the 
only port 
running on real server 1. But ssh is running on the director. So once LVS is 
setup, from a client,
ssh to DIP would work as normal, but ssh to vip should be refused. Or is this 
something that I
have to
put in Iptable rules ?

Also, I did manage to get an LVS-tun setup working, briefly. I had all 3 
machines (client,
directort, realserver) on same network 192.168.10.x.  The problem turned out to 
be wierd iptable
rules.  So, now
I am attempting to do my original configuration, where my DIP = x.110 ,  
VIP=x.111 ,
So the director is on different network than the real servers.  I believe I am 
closer to solving
this problem, however I am still unable to get this setup working.   Although, 
my problem is
different now.  Now, all my machines are getting SYN packets, but there is no 
SYN-ACK coming from

Any ideas?


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