
Re: NIC cries when using testLVS

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: NIC cries when using testLVS
From: ratz <ratz@xxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 12:24:37 +0100

>         Try with 50-60MB file, use the result from the second test,
> i.e. when the file is cached in the ftp server. You can achieve more
> than 11MB/sec.

I told him not use FD settings since some version of the 3c59x driver
would gratefully discard the mii flag and not set it. This led to awkward 
performance over here especially toghether with some 3com switches. With
CISCO starting from 2900 and a recent 3c59x driver you should be safe.
> > BUT:
> > When simulating 1 client (director has no work), up to 52,000 packets
> > per second arrive on the cache. This decreases with the increasing
> > number of simulated clients.
> > When simulating around 100,000 clients, the director starts not
> > to serve in real time: ipvsadm shows only 99,934 inactive conns.
> > When simulating 150,000 clients, we get errors because he can't
> > allocate memory - we have 256MB I guess. But nevertheless, the
> > load shown by top is about 400%
>         May be you need to update to the recent procps 2.0.*:
> ps --version

The load is impossible on his machine. I just can't believe it. There must
be something running in the background considering he's doing that on a
PIII 700Mhz machine with quite some up to date hardware.
>         May be the memory in the director is not used only from LVS.
> 150,000 entries mean 19MB memory and this is too low for 256MB
> director.

My suggestion too.

Roberto Nibali, ratz

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