
Re: Survey: synchronisation and deployment

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Survey: synchronisation and deployment
From: nick garratt <nick-lvs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 16:32:24 +0200

1. What mechanism are you using to synchronise your cluster?
2. How do you deploy new content?

transferring of content is currently done via tar over ssh:
tar cBf - . | ssh remoteserver "cd /to/content/location && tar xBf -"
(beware path length !)

its useful for transferring entire hierarchies, preserving perms, symlinks and whatnot, but we'll probably migrate to rsync.

before new content is deployed it is transferred to an intermediate deploy server from the dev server where it is thoroughly tested/abused. none of these machines forms part of the cluster per se.

the content is transferred to the remote access server in the cluster after testing. from this machine it it transferred to each of the web servers in turn using the same mechanism described above.

any content which must be shared (rw) by all web servers (client templates, ftp dirs) is NFS served.

3. What is the nature of your cluster and its content?

content is database driven dynamic content (apart from obvious exceptions) providing both web site facilities and an http/s get/post and xml api.

cluster manager : lvs using fwmark nat for (public) http/s,ftp, smtp, dns and fwmark dr (internal clustered services) for http. mon. www1 - wwwn : php, apache. all run msession and an ftpd although only one is IT at any point
db : pair of mysql servers in master/slave.
loghost : responsible for misc services : ntp master for cluster, syslogd - remote logging, tftpd for log archiving, log analysis ...) remote : dns for the world (also fwmark) and secondary nameserver for cluster, ssh


4. Do you know of any new technology or propriety solutions that need an open source implementation?


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